Four Ways To Make Your Signage Really Stand Out

Your signage is a important part of your marketing strategy and if you want it to work to its fullest potential you need to make sure it is visible and attention grabbing. Great business signage lets you make the most of the opportunity to stand out among the crowd, while mediocre or poorly positioned signage can render your business virtually invisible.

Here are four tips to help you ensure your business signage is highly visible and really stands out among the crowd.

  1. Don’t be too subtle. Your brand may be understated in nature but be wary of being too understated on your signage or you run the risk of disappearing. This doesn’t mean you need to be tacky or gaudy. Even a classy, understated logo and brand image can be made to stand out with quality signage,illumination or 3D lettering. Great design can help ensure that your brand values are adhered to and that even if you are elegant and understated you still make a strong visual impact.

  2. Pay attention to the surrounding environment. If you are located in a busy retail environment and competing with other businesses for attention you may need to amp up your signage a bit more than if you’re positioned in a quiet area with no competition. Think about what is most likely to stand out among your surroundings, the landscape, other buildings and other signs and create your signage accordingly.

  3. Keep the written text brief. Too much writing on a sign can make it look cluttered and affect its overall visibility and impact. Decide on the core message that you want your sign to display and keep the details to a minimum.

  4. Pay attention to placement. The right placement can make a big difference to the visual impact of your signage. As well as the obvious features like height and the size of the sign itself, don’t forget to consider more subtle factors like which way the sun is facing and whether people walking past are going to have to strain to read your sign. Are passers by going to have to squint into the sun, or will the light reflect off your sign making it unreadable at certain times of day?

Don’t let your business fade into the background. By paying attention to the most effective tips and tricks for making your sign more visible you can help ensure you get the most out of your signage and make your business really stand out among the crowd.