Why Invest in a Business Sign?

If you don’t use signage in your marketing strategy, you are likely missing out on all of the benefits of business signs. Additionally, if you do use signage, but it’s gone a while without being updated and no longer represents your business accurately, you are also losing out. An old, non-updated sign is not likely to inspire confidence in customers. However, by utilizing the most up to date business signs, you can continue to attract people to your operation.

To receive a broad understanding of the benefits of signage, you’ll need to understand what those benefits are and why they are possible through signs. Below are of the top reasons to integrate effective signage into your marketing strategy.

1. Provides Cost-Effective Marketing

A sign is one of the only pieces of advertising that your company actually owns. It only requires a one-time financial investment, and then it’s yours forever to do with as you please. An advertisement that you run on TV or online will be a repeated expense that is only temporary. In contrast, a sign can stay up for as long as you’d like, requiring only cleaning and perhaps some small repairs.

Along with the long term financial benefits that come with purchasing a sign, this form of advertising has staying power that will continue to pay for itself. When you look at cost-per-thousand exposure, you’ll be able to see that you’ll be able to deliver high-quality results for a lower cost when compared to other marketing mediums.

2. Reaches Drivers and Other Passersby

A recent study found, on average, American drivers spend 17,6000 minutes driving. That means a roadside sign is a perfect way to draw attention to your business and generate brand awareness to a large set of the population.

With people constantly on the go, it’s no surprise that 50% of customers surveyed reported that a sign was their first exposure to a business. Due to a sign’s power to introduce others to your business, it’s one of those marketing tools that can be considered a must. Business signs can spread your brand awareness and bring customers to your company.

3. Inspires Impulse Stops and Purchases

On top of grabbing the attention of those passing by, a sign can also pull shoppers into your store who were originally not planning on coming by. A sign that is near the business can point people to you and will inspire customers to come to check out what you can provide. Once they check your business out, many will act on impulse and make a purchase.

If you fail to capitalize on impulse shoppers and stops, you’ll lose a significant stream of business. A large portion of purchases are made on impulse, so you’ll want to be to get those shoppers’ attention before they find another store. Good signage will make your business one of the first places they stop at.

4. Allows You to Quickly React to Challenges to the Business

Though a sign will remain a reliable form of marketing, the market conditions in your industry are always going to be changing. As such, your advertising needs are going to change as well. While other forms of advertising will cost a significant amount of money to adjust, a sign can be altered easier and often for a lower cost than other forms of advertising. With a sign, you can always be on-topic and up to date with your messaging.

5. Provides Brand Imaging

Signs are generally highly visible, and a purpose of theirs is to represent the business. An attractive sign will reflect well on the business and establish a professional brand image. Since so many people will see a sign, you can cement whatever image you want in their minds, crafting how they view your business. Your name recognition will go up along with a positive association to your name. Even if people don’t stop to make a purchase, a good sign keeps your business on consumers’ minds.

6. Stands out From the Competition

Not only does effective signage communicate the quality of your company to others, but it also differentiates your company from the competition. For instance, if your competitor doesn’t have any outdoor signage, you’ve automatically put yourself in the lead. For companies whose competitors do have signs up, you’ll want to see what they’re doing right, and end up doing it better.

To really stand out, work with a professional sign designer who knows how to make signs look as attractive as possible to consumers. They will be able to match you with the appropriates types of signs that will work for the needs of your business. Along with finding the right types of signs, they can help you figure out what sort of designs are going to look best and attract the most customers.

7. Advertises 24/7

A billboard is going to be visible 24/7 every day of the year, making it the most consistent form of advertising around. With illuminated signage, you can keep your sign visible throughout even the darkest hours of the night. Even when your business is closed, your sign will be working for you, letting night owls and early birds know that you want their business. This sort of staying power alone makes signs an excellent investment.

Due to an outdoor sign’s constant advertising, some will worry that it will too often be at risk of damage from the elements. Where other marketing materials can be taken down or used indoors, outdoor signage is often rooted in one spot, unable to be moved easily. Quality signage, however, will be able to endure any sort of inclement weather from rain to blizzards. No matter the weather, a sign will be a reliable marketing strategy that can stand up to wear and tear.